* Mark your calendar: we will kick off our food trucks with a foam block party!!! Saturday March 11th, 4:30 to 7:00 ( we will go back to the 2nd Tuesday of each month starting in April) watch for more details…
* We have new plaster in the pool and the ladders have been reset. They will get the pool lights up and running and fill in grout around the pool. It will be ready for the pool season!!!!
* We will install new ceiling fans…
* We are addressing erosion in and around the bridges…
* Watch for landscaping improvements.
* We will kick yard of the month back off in March, please get those nominations in…
* Friendly Reminders: - HOA fees are due NOW $250 …reminders are being mailed.. - Please be mindful of your speed throughout the neighborhood.. - Please go the correct way at the roundabout by the pool… - Please be mindful of parking cars on the street daily/ overnight…
Thanks for all you do to help keep Bruenburg looking great!!!!
If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please contact our management company @Bruenburg.com