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The Minutes Of The 2020 Bruenburg Annual Meeting Are Available



DECEMBER 3, 2020

Call to Order - By President Tom Stafford

1. Roll Call - 36 total proxy votes received which authorized either individual Board Members or the full board to vote on their behalf. Additional 6 current board member votes, plus vote of proposed new board member, totals 43 votes. One proxy form appointed homeowner itself to vote.

a. Board and Management received 5 total email messages from 4 homeowners

related to the meeting. Neither proxy homeowner itself nor any other homeowner submitted any objection to, question about, concern with or vote against any of the proposed Board actions for the 2020 Annual Membership Meeting as mailed to each homeowner and posted on the association website.

b. Per Miss Code Ann. s. 79-11-217, this constitutes over 10% of the votes entitled to be cast on a matter having been represented at the annual meeting, constituting a quorum on the matters contained in the notice.

c. Since 1/3 or more of the voting power was not present, per the same statute the only matters that may be voted upon are those matters that are described in the meeting notice.

2. Proof of Notice received and confirmed

a. Via U.S. mail to each homeowner.

3. Minutes of Prior Board Meetings reviewed

a. Stored in Dropbox files accessible and updated by board members and


b. Motion to approve prior minutes by Tom Stafford. Second by J. Corinne Graham. 43 votes in favor, taking 1 proxy vote as opposed, motion passes.

4. Committee Reports received - current bank account balance as of 10/26/20 is $58,486.71

a. P&L and Projected Budget posted online

5. Delinquencies - plan to increase collections efforts to bring delinquent accounts current

a. Motion to increase collections efforts by Tom Stafford. Second by J. Corinne

Graham. 43 votes in favor, taking 1 proxy vote as opposed, motion passes.

6. Plan to establish a Reserve Bank Account in 2021, transfer $10,000.00 into it before end of 2020 and aim to transfer at least $250.00 each month from operating account into reserve account

a. Motion to approve plan to establish reserve bank account by Tom Stafford.

Second by J. Corinne Graham. 43 votes in favor, taking 1 proxy vote as opposed,

motion passes.

7. Receive and Approve nomination of Amanda Andrews as new member of Board

a. No other nominations received

b. Motion to elect Amanda Andrews as new member of Board by Tom Stafford.

Second by J. Corinne Graham. 43 votes in favor, taking 1 proxy vote as opposed,

motion passes.

8. Election of Board Members - vote to approve Tom Stafford, J. Corinne Graham, Paige Smith, Billy Allen, Josey Kazery and Phoebe Fuller to continue in their current capacities

a. Motion to elect Tom Stafford, J. Corinne Graham, Paige Smith, Billy Allen, Josey Kazery and Phoebe Fuller to continue as Board members in their current

capacities by Tom Stafford. Second by J. Corinne Graham. 43 votes in favor,

taking 1 proxy vote as opposed, motion passes.

10. Scheduling of Next Meeting TBD

Meeting Adjourned

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